This Thursday, the 26th is the pre trial date. I will be at the courthouse at 8:30am and I will be there until I know if the case will be going to trial or not yet.
I'm so nervous b/c I don't know what to expect. I'm just so scared that this person, Alan Mompoint, will get away with murdering my husband!
Tonight, Ella stayed with my wonderful mother in law since I will be back in the morning anyway. That gave me the wonderful opportunity to have some "mother-daughter" time w/Ciana. We decided to go to the movies and watch "Confessions of a Shopaholic." It was really cute & funny, by the way! On the way there, we were jammin out to some random music on my iPod. She LOVES Michael Buble and as we arrived, one of his songs was cut short so we could make it in on time.
We made it on time, got our tickets, popcorn, pretzel, candy, drink. Saw the movie, laughed a lot & loved it! In the car, on the ride home, the Michael Buble song that was cut short came back on the iPod. It's a song called "A Song For You." When the next some came on, Ciana asked me to pause it. I hit pause and she said, in a quivering voice, that the song that was just on made her cry. At that point, any holding back of tears she was trying to do went out the window. She was crying, looked at me and told me how much she misses Daddy! She said the song made her cry b/c it said "and when my life is over, remember when we were together..." Of course, I started to cry too! I couldn't help it! I'm so emotional and hearing my daughter cry about how much she misses her daddy - what do you expect, right?
At that moment for a quick second, I was angry. Not with Ciana but furious that Alan Mompoint is free right now. He killed my husband and may not ever serve any time in jail! For the rest of our lives, we will suffer at times b/c of how much we miss Steve. Does Alan Mompoint care? No. He doesn't give a shit! If he did, he wouldn't have had such blatant disregard in driving the way he did!
How are we supposed to deal with this? And what IF he doesn't go to jail? In the back of my mind, I have some hope that the justice system is still on our side but I am losing faith!!!