It's been so hard. I don't know what makes it harder lately. Steve feels so far away. I have his pictures everywhere. It's just this feeling that's so sad because nothing can make it better. I long to hear his voice so badly! Not just in a video but in conversation. I wish I could sit with him, like we used to, on the couch all curled up and just shoot the breeze. God, I miss him so much! Of course I've missed him from the beginning of this horrible tragedy.
It's hard to explain how it works inside of me. I'll try. First, it's missing him - his physical being, his presence, his contribution to our lives, our family. So many things, actually. All of it. I don't know. I can't make sense of it in words. I just miss all of the little things that you don't think about on a daily basis b/c it's just life. I miss Steve's way of being and how that always kept our household happy! I miss hearing his voice calling me "Karlita, my love." I miss hearing him say to me "Tu eres mi corazon" in what he thought was pretty perfect spanish - it was pretty good. He used to come home to all "his girls," including our dog Lily, and say really loud "Well helllllooooo there!!!" All the girls had to pretty much stand in line to welcome him home. Usually Lily was 1st b/c she ran to him & practically jumped 6'2" to his face! Then, there were Ciana and Ella, not necessarily in that order. Of course, I let everyone else get their turn & I was last. I didn't ever mind, though. I just loved seeing the girls get excited to see him & seeing how happy he was to get such a welcome. He'd always say he was the king of the castle and I was his queen.
Steve would get cranky sometimes b/c he couldn't surf as often as he'd like. Then he'd have a good day of surfing. He would come home & be so happy! He would put his hands on my arms and gently shake me, while looking me in the eyes. He'd say: "I LOVE YOU!" I'd say "I love you too." He'd say, "I don't think you understand...I LOVE you!" I'd say "I love you too, Steve." He'd go on to thank me (every single time) for being such an awesome wife and being okay with his surfing, saying that a lot of women wouldn't be okay w/their husbands going off to surf. I always reassured him that I'd feel horrible if he didn't surf, especially b/c he didn't think I liked it. I couldn't deprive him of the one thing he loved most, other than God & family.
I'm so sad. It hurts to miss someone this much and know that you can never see them, touch them, smell them, feel them or anything with them again. How do you get past that? How can you ever find anyone else that will make you feel that way again? It's horrible.
I feel like I'm going through the motions. My kids make me happy but when I'm happy b/c of them, I think about Steve and it makes me sad. He's missing out on all of it. How is any of it fair?
Steve, I wish you were here, still. I would give anything to have you back, mi amor!